Oct. 7, 2020
What happens to children with disabilities when they become adults?
Speaker: Dr.Kerry Magro
Summary: The popular image of disability is often focused on children. When the school bus stops coming though what happens to our loved ones? In this presentation, you will hear from a man with a disability who successfully transitioned into adulthood. Topics that will be discussed include but are not limited too, employment, post-secondary, housing & guardianship. Eventbrite link: https://www.eventbrite.ca/e/beyond-limits-presents-dr-kerry-magro-registration-116744224117#
Oct. 20, 27, Nov. 3, 10, 2020
Online Social Stories™ 10.2 Advanced Workshop
Speaker: Carol Gray
Social Stories are one of the most popular evidence-based instructional strategies for learners with autism in the world. They are also frequently misused and misunderstood. Learning how to research, develop, and implement a genuine Social Story is critical to their effectiveness, safety, and integrity. The goal is to build positive social concepts and skills in an individually tailored, unassuming, and supportive learning context.
Eventbrite link: https://www.eventbrite.ca/e/beyond-limits-presents-carol-gray-reflect-reboot-reimagine-tickets-119117795533#
Dec. 3, 2020
Circle of Security® – Connecting with Children
Speaker: Gerrie Stolz
Circle of Security® is a supportive innovative intervention program designed to improve developmental pathways of children and parents. This session will introduce you to Circle of Security® and how you can use it in your practice with children. Discussion will include questions to reflect on your own beliefs, values and practices. Secure attachments are key to a child’s growth and development.
Eventbrite link: https://www.eventbrite.ca/e/beyond-limits-presents-gerrie-stolz-connecting-with-children-registration-124144727221#
Jan. 13, 2021
Mindfulness as a Support for Caregivers
Speakers: Dr.Yona Lunsky, Brianne Redquest, Lee Steel, Sue Hutton
Join Yona, Lee, Bri and Sue of the Mindfulness for Caregivers team at the CAMH Azrieli Neurodevelopmental Centre in a talk for Caregivers. The team will talk about how mindfulness supports caregivers, and offer practical ways of implementing it in your busy life. Research shows caregivers of someone with a disability are at higher risk for depression and anxiety, and mindfulness is an excellent tool to increase wellbeing. Parents also talk about increased satisfaction in their caregiving role when practicing Mindfulness.
Eventbrite link: https://www.eventbrite.ca/e/beyond-limits-presents-mindfulness-as-a-support-for-caregivers-registration-129096929391#
Jan. 16, 2021
Sex and Disability
Speaker: Andrew Gurza
In this presentation, Disability Awareness Consultant Drew Gurza will talk to you about sex and disability. The presentation will go past the basics of “How Do You Have Sex and Disability?” and consider how sex and disability really feels. Topics explored will include ableism, sexual ableism, privacy and so much more.
Eventbrite link: https://www.eventbrite.ca/e/beyond-limits-presents-drew-gurza-sex-and-disability-tickets-127738117147#
Feb. 16, 2021
My Rights, My Life: The Impact of Rights Support on Quality of Life Outcomes
Speaker: Michael Clausen
Support of rights is a topic that has gained more and more attention over the last several years within the human services field. While we can all agree that all people deserve and are entitled to equal rights, it is important to understand the impact that the exercise of rights has on other aspects of people’s lives. When people are empowered to understand and exercise rights, their quality of life improves. This presentation will utilize data and research to demonstrate the impact that the exercise of rights has on other quality of life areas such as relationships, employment, health and safety.
Eventbrite link: https://www.eventbrite.ca/e/beyond-limits-presents-michael-clausen-tickets-129502155433#
Feb. 18, 2021
Building a Culture of Rights and Respect at Your Organization
Speaker: Michael Clausen
Supporting people to exercise rights can be challenging! For organizations and supporters, there are considerations of risk, conflicting points of view, and an overwhelming set of circumstances to consider. In this session, we will examine the various perspectives that should be heard as part of rights conversations, how to weigh dignity of risk, and discuss the important role that informed choice plays within the realm of rights. Together, we will explore best practices to support people to exercise rights in a way that is responsible and sustainable.
Eventbrite Link: https://www.eventbrite.ca/e/beyond-limits-presents-michael-clausen-tickets-129506546567#
Mar. 4, 2021
The Reggio Emilia Approach
Speaker: Gerrie Stolz
Inspired by the Reggio Emilia Approach. This two hour session will provide you an introduction to how the Reggio Emilia Approach is used as an inspiration in a number of child care centers here in Manitoba. It is a child centered and constructivist pedagogical approach from a small town in Italy (Reggio Emilia).
Eventbrite link: https://www.eventbrite.ca/e/beyond-limits-presents-gerrie-stolz-inspired-by-the-reggio-emilia-approach-registration-131479076457#
Apr. 14, 2021
Sex and Disability
Speaker: Andrew Gurza
In this presentation, Disability Awareness Consultant Andrew Gurza will talk to you about sex and disability. The presentation will go past the basics of “How Do You Have Sex and Disability?” and consider how sex and disability really feels. Topics explored will include ableism, sexual ableism, privacy and so much more.
Eventbrite Link: https://www.eventbrite.ca/e/beyond-limits-presents-andrew-gurza-sex-and-disability-tickets-129054454347#
May 14, 2021
Autism Spectrum Disorder: Assessment, Intervention and Prevention Strategies for those with Problematic Behaviours
Speaker: Dr. Daniel Rothman
Of the many individuals who clinicians encounter, those with combinations of Autism Spectrum Disorders and sexual or aggressive behavior problems are likely among the most challenging. Unhealthy preoccupations, empathy deficits, intimacy problems, social impairments, and inflexible thinking are some characteristics that can be attributed to, or else amplified by, conditions such as Autism Spectrum Disorders.
Eventbrite Link: https://www.eventbrite.ca/e/beyond-limits-presents-dr-daniel-rothman-phd-c-psych-tickets-148092272975#
Jun. 28, 2021
Manitobans with Disabilities Panel: Lessons Learned from the Pandemic
Panelists: Whitney Hodgins, Valerie Wolbert, Tyson Sylvester, Megan Ryan and Aidan Zeglinski Moderated by: Carlos Sosa
Join us for an evening of intriguing conversation as we bring together a panel of Manitobans with Disabilities to discuss their perspectives on life this past year with the pandemic. We will hear what challenges they have experiences, what opportunities have opened up for them, and they will provide practical solutions and recommendations for the policy makers, educators, clinicians, support workers, families and caregivers, and other self-advocates.
Eventbrite link: https://www.eventbrite.ca/e/beyond-limits-presents-lessons-learned-from-the-pandemic-tickets-157112554881#